How To Listen Effectively To Succeed Personally And Professionally: Authority Magazine Interview

I recently participated in an interview with Douglas Noll from Authority Magazine on the topic of effective listening for personal and professional success. I discussed a variety of practical tips, while also discussing my professional background and inspiration. Here are a few highlights:
“The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it’s possible to achieve the American dream.” — Tommy Hilfiger In a time where the American Dream may be lost to many people, I think this quote provides a positive and perceptive sentiment on what it takes to make the American Dream a reality… …It is important to teach, inspire and assist other people on their path to achieving their own American Dream.
Effective listening is a fundamental element of communication and can have a profound impact on your personal and professional life. It is a skill that warrants our time and concentration to be able to develop and eventually master. …The ability to take the most relevant information from what another person is saying, comprehend the information and then respond based on that understanding is important for communicating effectively, speaking confidently and establishing rapport.
Be mindful of context: If you feel as though you do not have enough information to make a conversation impactful, ask probing questions. Use probing questions that are catered to the nature of the conversation to get the background information that you need to have an informed and meaningful conversation.
One of the most important principles for success in business and life is continuous improvement. The ability to adapt, innovate and advance can make a life-or-death difference in your business and career. Never stop learning. Never stop improving. Continuously evaluate how to be better.

5 ways to leverage effective listening to enhance your communication:
Be adaptable
Be mindful of context
Establish rapport
Focus on the main topic
Continuous improvement
View the full article here: Andrew C Belton of Symmetrical Media Marketing On How To Listen Effectively To Succeed Personally And Professionally
Special thanks to Douglas Noll and Authority Magazine!
Andrew C. Belton, MBA is a Marketing and Financial Services Professional, Writer and Owner of Symmetrical Media Marketing where he helps small businesses to create effective digital marketing strategies. He has been featured in LinkedIn News, LinkedIn Pulse, Authority Magazine, Startup Stash, Venture and Business2Community. He is a Philadelphia native, West Chester University of Pennsylvania graduate and is passionate about helping small businesses, education and challenging the limits of technology and communications.