How Star Wars has inspired us to bring balance to your social media strategy
In December 2015, when I began to develop Symmetrical Media Marketing (20 page business plan, Symmetrical B2B Strategy, meetings with potential Co-Founders, Team Members and Clients, building the website, opening accounts and etc.), I reached the point at which I had to develop the logo and brand for the company. The Symmetrical B2B Strategy is based on the principles of balance and consistency regarding social media activity for a business. The idea for this strategy arrived during my time at HR Tech Advisor and it happened in the midst of the release of Star Wars VII The Force Awakens. The idea to bring balance to (the force) your social media strategy arrived conveniently with the force awakening in the Star Wars universe and the convenient logo design that may appear to look similar to a TIE Starfighter (that originally appeared in the first Star Wars movie in 1977).
TIE Fighter
We also chose the colors blue and green to signify Luke Skywalkers journey to becoming a Jedi from the beginning of his journey with the blue lightsaber that originally belonged to his father, Anakin Skywalker, to his rise to becoming a Jedi master with his newly crafted green lightsaber (in Return of the Jedi 1983). We also chose the 3 letters (SMM) in the middle of the logo to signify Social Media Marketing and Symmetrical Media Marketing. It serves as a unique and convenient double meaning.
Luke Skywalker, Return of the Jedi, 1983
Our mission is to help small businesses and startups to leverage social media by developing efficient social media marketing solutions and since we have created and began to implement the Symmetrical B2B Strategy, it has proven to be effective (especially for Search Engine Optimization). Contact us for a social media strategy development consultation to learn how to manage your social media accounts for your business or to outsource your social media marketing efforts.
Written by: Andrew C. Belton
Special thanks to Star Wars for the inspiration!
We are certainly looking forward to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, to be released on December 16, 2016.
View our Symmetrical B2B Strategy here!