The Science Behind Facebook Ads

Content marketing is a two-prong process; copywriting and marketing. When someone masters copywriting, that doesn’t necessarily make them a marketing expert, and vice versa. A marketer knows how to get potential customers to see and pay attention their product, to visit their website and eventually buy their product.

Facebook advertising is a large part of any marketer’s Social media marketing plan, hence the reason why you see targeted advertisements on your newsfeed every now and again. Facebook’s advertising and business management system may be overwhelming if you’re new to it, so here are our tips for advertising on Facebook.

Make an Offer

First, when making an advert, make sure you have something to offer the consumer or decision-maker when they first see your advertisement because it caught their eye because of a great lead magnet.

According to Digital Marketer, having a great offer is crucial to any Facebook advertising campaign. If you do not have anything of your own to give away as a lead magnet, you can use tip number two below.

Just as the lead magnet is important to a campaign, the follow-up is just as important. A good landing page is one of the keys to conversions, because if an advertisement and landing page do not match, whether it be in color scheme, or offer, the campaign will not convert.

Find a product to give away

When you put an advertisement on Facebook, it costs money, so why not make the best of every ad? When putting a free offer in an advertisement in exchange for a person’s name and email address, any campaign can succeed, just as the campaign over at the Digital Marketer’s campaigns almost always do.

Finding a great lead magnet is actually easier than imagined through the use of Private Label Rights products. Although some prefer to just write their own ebook to give away or hire someone to write a short manuscript, most small business owners do not have the time nor the money for either of those options.

I personally like to offer an ebook of some sort, something that relates to my reader, like my current offer; Sign up for my weekly e-newsletter and receive Content Marketing 101 completely free of charge.

To find a great PLR product, I like to use Find Quality PLR, a website with a huge assortment of cheap PLR products to choose from.

Edited by: Andrew C. Belton
